A downloadable game

The Firestarter is a game that combines elements of walking simulator and puzzle games, set in a forest environment. The game's main mechanic involves the use of matchsticks, with the player required to navigate through the forest by lighting fires in specific locations using matchsticks. The game's narrative follows the story of a protagonist who is hired to start fires in the forest for profit. However, as the game progresses, the player discovers that there is a darker side to their employer's motives and the forest's destruction. The game explores themes of survival, morality, and the consequences of human actions. The game features PS1-style graphics, with slightly muted color tones, inspired by Silent Hill, Valheim, and Northern Journey. The player has the choice of picking up the matchbox or finding an alternative solution to navigate the forest, with the outcome affecting the story and the ending of the game.

The Firestarter follows the story of a man who has been hired to start fires in a forest in order to protect and sustain his family.

The protagonist is a father and husband who lives in a small town not too far from the forest. He has been struggling to make ends meet and provide for his family, but an opportunity arises when he is offered a job to start fires in the forest by Spark Co, a company that is using the fires to distract from their environmental impact and unethical practices.

This job comes to him in the form of a letter, when a Spark Co. employee notices the protagonist's desperation.

As the protagonist navigates the forest, he begins to encounter toxic oil spillages and regions of overgrowth that shows the impact of human capitalistic ventures in the forest. As he notices these malpractices, the protagonist and by correlation the player, must confront his own role in the destruction of the forest.

The story is presented through environmental storytelling and subtle hints, with minimal dialogue. The player must piece together the narrative through their interactions with the environment and the events that unfold as they progress through the game. The protagonist's personal story is also explored throughout the game, as he struggles with his conscience and the impact of his actions on the forest and its inhabitants.

At first, the theme of The Firestarter is environmentalism and the consequences of exploiting natural resources for profit. But it also explores the lengths that people will go to in order to survive, and how seemingly fun mechanics can have immoral consequences. The player character in The Firestarter is a man who is hired to start fires in the forest to protect his family. While the player may initially view this as a noble cause, as they progress through the game they begin to uncover the dark motives behind these fires, leading to a crisis of conscience. The use of matches as a gameplay mechanic may seem innocuous at first, but as the player progresses they are forced to confront the destructive consequences of their actions. The game challenges players to consider the moral implications of using seemingly fun mechanics for personal gain, and the impact that their actions can have on the world around them. 


TheFirestarter_VS_Build.zip 316 MB


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nice prototype